Priorities:Universidad de los Andes Chile Student Priorities

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Fall 2023 Priorities

#Strategy 1: “ADS Innovation Day”

Innovation Day consists of an event where we will bring together different careers in order to teach a little and open their minds to the world of entrepreneurship. It consists of a series of different activities, either teamwork or creativity, in addition to having 2 talks from entrepreneurs, who tell us about their experience and who can ask you any questions they want.

#Strategy 2: “2023 Fellows instagram account”

The Instagram account is created with the purpose of providing support and advice about entrepreneurship, helping all students who want to start a business and do not know how, with this account they will be able to ask their questions, in addition to seeing capsules with tips and innovative ideas.

#Strategy 3: “General Studies Program- Peg: Innovation and entrepreneur”

This semester-long course is designed to inspire and empower college students to become successful entrepreneurs. Through a combination of theory, case studies and practical projects, participants will acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to develop, launch and manage their own entrepreneurial projects.

Fall 2022 Priorities

#Strategy 1: “Entrepreneurship day”

This strategy is based on the things our classmates are willing to learn more about entrepreneurship and giving them the confidence to start a business themselves.

We would bring very interesting exhibitors who can contribute by telling their experience, and give out tips in how to start an entrepreneurship.

The game that consist in dividing the participants into groups, and they go through the different stages of a business which are marketing, finance, provider, and clients. The point of this is that after passing all the stages, the students can have a viable entrepreneurship.

#Strategy 2: “entrepreneurship class”

​​This project consists of developing the necessary tools so that administration students know how to handle the challenges of having a business. The idea is to incorporate the course of the curriculum in the first years of the degree so that the student has a small base and can thus develop an enterprise if he wishes. The course will include customer management, accounting, finance, and marketing. I would have everything that implies having a business and its difficulties.

This project seeks to promote and lead students to live as close to having a business as possible, so it is necessary that they use their creativity and imagination to create their project.

then it is necessary that they use their mathematical knowledge to float their profits and finally use their soft skills to generate bonds with customers and attract and retain them.

The goal of applying this course for all first-year students is that they live the experience and know how to defend themselves against the adversity of the world, and if they want to dedicate themselves to entrepreneurship, they can do so without any problem.

#Strategy 3: “Design Thinking Workshop”

The goal of this project is to teach design thinking as a tool to seek needs and generate ideas. This workshop is for students of Universidad de los Andes who want to create an idea for a startup.

Design Thinking is a tool that builds a solid base in order to create a big project, which gives us different perspectives of the same idea, defining one problem to solve. The group has to do a brainstorming of ideas to solve it. Then, they choose one and start prototyping and testing it with the target audience.

The workshop is going to have two steps. The first one is the learning part, there will be exhibitors and teachers that will explain the Design Thinking scheme and why it's so important and related to  innovation. The next step is to experiment with a little exercise of design thinking that will have the “empathize” part ready so they can do it rapidly (the workshop has to be in a short-term).

Finally, to give it continuity, a room on the campus will be awarded by the ADS school (Service Management) and become an Innovation Lab. This lab will have all the materials (like post-its and sharpies) for the students to create and an infographic with information about how to do a design thinking and how to make the idea come true.

Fall 2021 Priorities

Strategy #1 “IPA talks (Impulsar, Profesionalizar, Aportar)”

Challenge: “How can we motivate to innovate, to motivate them to pursue these opportunities to create something new, so that they can take advantage of instances of participation?”

This project seeks to motivate and persuade every UAndes Student, since in order to commit, motivate and participate in I&E they need to be moved by this world. The mission of "IPA talks" is to spread those ideas that are worth spreading, similar to TED talks, however they will be focused in the Innovation & Entrepreneurship (I&E) world. Every IPA talk will have a recognized figure related with I&E, who will share their experience (failures and success) and teaching different ways of how to implement our ideas and GET THEM DONE. Each one of these talks, will have a didactic activity (such as workshop simulations, brainstorming exercises, prototyping sessions, etc.), with the purpose to help students to apply their learning and to come up with an innovative way to make a change or improve it.

This project shall last at least 2 days, which will be destined as a priority event at the university. During this time, students and other university participants will have a wide variety of talks arranged for them to participate. This will helps at the same time, for every participant to have a better notion of how I&E is being implemented in their country.

We need this project in other to boost the creativity of our students so they could fulfill their projects an ideas, realizing that others have achieved it. Considering that in order to take a risk, it is necessary to have a sufficiently strong and deep motivation, which drives you to keep going despite failures.

With that being learned, the enthusiasm to undertake and innovate will increase and students will be motivated enough to truly participate and commit with the opportunities of I&E that the university has to offer.

Strategy #2 “Innova UANDES”

Challenge: “How can we motivate students to solve big and small problems within the university, through innovative practices??”

Innova UANDES it’s a long-term contest in which university students participate in teams of five members, regardless of the careers of the members, the only requirement is being University of Los Andes students. The first weeks of the contest are more like classes to learn how to brainstorm and prototype. Then, the teams have the remaining time to find a problem within the university and try to solve it through the prototypes they must create. In addition, the teams will have monthly meetings with the university's innovation and entrepreneurship department, in order to obtain feedback and make constant improvements. Finally, the finalists have more time to improve their projects and try to execute them in a reduced scale. The winner team has the possibility to implement their innovation with the help of the innovation and entrepreneurship department. The most important and necessary thing to participate is to be motivated, want to improve some problem, and eager to learn.

Strategy #3 “ADS Innovation Day”

Challenge: “How can we involve students from Service Management with Innovation and Entrepreneurship?”

The purpose of the project  "ADS Innovation Day", is to enable the students of Service Management (ADS)  to discover and acquire knowledge related to innovation and entrepreneurship during an entire day. The main idea of this is to provide useful tools, tips, strategies that students are going to be able to during their life. Nevertheless, this is going to be possible through talks with special guests, workshops, activities, contests, and an entrepreneurship fair of different ventures.
Some examples of activities can be to imagine designs for companies, ways to sell, improve the Employee & Customer Experience, use residues to create something new, the marshmallow challenge, etc. 
Furthermore, this project intends to make a memorable day that would help motivate ADS students to go farther and become change agents, using innovation to design new solutions for the campus, community, and the world.  Also, this would facilitate undergraduates from different generations of ADS to gather and build new bonds between them, because now more than ever, students need to share with others after this prolonged pandemic, and this Innavotion day would be perfect for that. 

Strategy #4 “Dejando Huella project”

Challenge: ¿How can we motivate students of Service Management to become agents of social change??”

The following project has three stages: training of change agents, creation of social projects and open to volunteers. The first stage is the training agent of change, where they have to select between five to ten students who want to be agents of change and have a positive impact around them. Once they are chosen, the idea is that they can have a couple of training sessions so that they can be trained personally.

The second stage is the stage of creating a social project, where these students work as a team looking for places and creating a specific solution to the most studied need. For this, the idea is to use design thinking tools to create a value proposition and also, with the support of the ADS School.

The third stage would be the launch stage of the project in order to look for volunteers who want to participate in the way they can.

Finally, it is important to note that the idea of the project is that all those who participate, organizers and volunteers, and use all the knowledge they have learned throughout the race. For example: helping to professionalize the enterprises of mothers of families living in poor social-economic conditions, professionalizing the cleaning service in low-income hospitals, creating an innovative solution for children in low-income schools, etc. The objective is to offer a social project that is only offered by Service Administration and therefore, it must have the ADS seal.

Fall 2020 Priorities

Strategy #1 “Innovation Week”

Challenge: “How can we tear down the paradigm that innovation is only for engineers and business students?”

This project seeks to involve every UAndes Student in the innovation world. It shall start by motivating students from the same career to form various groups to determine a neglected problem that is noticeable within their specific area, with the purpose to come up with an innovative way to make a change or improvement to it. Knowing that the week starts on Monday, this same day the groups have to create a project from scratch that solves their specific career problem. During the week experts and professors from the Department of I&E will carry out several activities such as workshop simulations, brainstorming exercises, prototyping sessions, constructive seminars, and many more things. What this does is that every student receives the necessary tools to improve and make adjustments to their initial project. This helps them at the same time to notice the importance of innovation and its understanding. At the end of the week, the project that impresses the board with originality and most importantly the one who satisfies in the best way possible the specific need of the school will be considered in the next year's budget so they can implement their solution or improvement in approximately a year. Along their journey, they will constantly have feedback and support from experts, their professors, their faculty, and Universidad de los Andes.

Strategy #2 “Students´ Innovation Council UANDES”

Challenge: "How might we create a support network among UANDES students, to promote the creation of I&E projects?"

The main objective of this project prototype is to provide the students of “Universidad de los Andes” a support network created by themselves as students, which encourages them to motivate and start an innovation/entrepreneurship project. The main idea is that the group of fellows who will lead this program must have all the necessary resources. So, both leaders and the students who want to participate can carry out their strategies, designs, and final projects. For this, they will have a “Marker-space” which will possess work tables and chairs, blackboards, a comfortable couch, post-its, materials, and restricted access to only those students who have previously registered to participate in it. To carry out this prototype, it will be needing significant funding from the University. For that, we would have to communicate with the person in charge of Innovation at UANDES Aníbal Pinto, and the Students Vice-Rector Francisco Lavín. Who should give us the necessary support to get that financing. Making this prototype happen, would take a period of time of approximately one and a half years. Since it will be necessary to generate material such as cases of real problems, research of international or national programs on I&E, the design and construction of the “Marker-space”, gather the leaders and open an enrollment system to all the students of the University. On the other hand, we would need the approval of the University to reward fellows with the academic benefits mentioned above. Fellows who participate in this program will not only develop projects and I&E tools. But they will also create close bonds, have the opportunity to meet other university students, and work for hand in hand with them and maybe... Change the world.

Strategy #3 “Challenge Course”

Challenge: How might we promote entrepreneurship between students, looking forward to solving real problems on the campus and bringing innovation closer to undergraduates?

This idea will be an extracurricular course target for all undergraduate students in Universidad de los Andes. Provided by a professor of I&E and with knowledge in design thinking, in order to impact with useful tools for the students' life and motivate them to create processes of problem-solving beginning with understanding unmet campus needs. The challenge course is open to every student who wants to know more about I&E having the interest and willpower to improve campus life. The only condition, therefore, is motivation, compromise, and engagement with the course and their team fellows. During the course, fellows will solve real problems on the campus. It could be tangible things, but also immaterial and relevant needs. The strategy to develop the solutions is through challenges (like the marshmallow challenge). With limited time and materials in order to generate brainstorming instances, prototype ideas, and therefore pushing students to create innovative solutions. After that, each group develops and refines its project. The course will reopen each term, in order to ideate in a year, one possible solution for two different issues. The members will develop ideas in groups. So teamwork experience will be the focus for collecting ideas and working in collaboration. The best idea developed until the end of each term will be considered for the budget next year. This course will be an instance for recreation, ideation, and learning, to become engaged students with their campus and empathizing with their university fellows.

Strategy #4 “Student´s Council´s I&E in charge and Faculty Mentor”

Challenge: “How might we promote I&E around students with the university's collaboration?”

This project consists of adding a person to each Faculty´s Student´s Councils who will be in charge of the I&E area. This person will locate all those students who want to innovate or have an idea in order to assess them and contact them with someone who would help them. At the same time, there should be a person per Faculty who would based on his or her experiences in I&E, could act as a Mentor for those students who want to pursue an idea. The Faculty Mentor and the I&E in charge will be in constant communication in order to achieve the goal of promoting I&E inside the Faculty. This Faculty Mentor would also have periodic meetings with the university's Innovation Department, in order to facilitate communication between schools and the I&E area. These three components will be the base for promoting I&E around students. By having not only a Student's Council member but also a Faculty member working constantly in each school, we could change the perspective that innovation is only for graduates or faculty members, but everyone that has an idea and that the university will provide help and assessment by the three components mentioned before.